?¡À??Model No ??????The Model No.of Buzzer Chips is compose of ??????six parts(see the picture)??,piezo ceramic element?? ????Illustration ??????the first part:"FT" indicate Piezoeletric ??????Ceramic Buzzer Chips,piezo ceramic element
??????the second part:use the Arab figure to ??????express plate exotic dismeter(mm)
??????the third part:use denominator to express ??????plate material;For example: ??????T-brass,G-stainless steel,N-iron and nickel ??????alloy,M-horse mouth iron
??????the fourth part:use the Arab figure to ??????express frequency(kHz)
??????The example indicate:the piezoeletric ??????ceramic buzzer chips'plate exotic dismeter ??????is 27mm and brass,resonant frequency is ??????4.1kHz,round electrode and single side.And ??????the product's normal code is Q/WZOX 1-2002.